Redefining Africa’s Narrative: The African Union Media Fellowship Program

Dive into an overview of the African Union’s transformative Media

The Pan-African Storytelling Initiative

In an ambitious stride to put Africa on the frontline of narrating its own unique and diverse stories to the world, the Information and Communication Directorate (ICD) of the African Union (AU) unveiled an exciting initiative.

Known as the AU Media Fellowship, this platform acts as a potent catalyst to reshape the African narrative and provide a more precise portrayal of Africa’s advancements and prospects.

The primary tool of this transformative agenda? Emerging digital technologies which offer unparalleled communication and engagement opportunities.

This initiative aligns with Africa’s Agenda 2063 aspirations and vision.

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Moreover, it enjoys robust support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The African Union: A Brief Overview

Before delving deeper into the Fellowship program, let’s understand a little more about its architect – The African Union.

The AU is a continental body comprising the 55 member states that constitute the nations of Africa.

It officially sprang to life in 2002, succeeding the Organisation of African Unity (OAU, 1963-1999).

The OAU’s primary objectives were to eradicate the remnants of colonialism and apartheid, foster unity and solidarity among African States, boost development cooperation, preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States, and promote international cooperation.

Benefits: The AU Media Fellowship Program

The AU Media Fellowship Program is more than a title. It’s an opportunity – a stepping stone that offers:

  1. Certified training from renowned partners and media training institutions
  2. Grants that fund the creation of comprehensive stories and e-books that curate these stories
  3. Access to AU senior leadership, high-level AU meetings, summits, and events, policymakers, and AU development partners
  4. Exclusive Masterclasses with industry professionals
  5. Support from experienced mentors and institutions, with participation in key events alongside media industry professionals
  6. Both international and continental study tours
  7. Access to AU Media Fellowship Alumni network

Requirements for AU Media Fellowship Program

To qualify, applicants must be African media professionals passionate about promoting development-focused stories using emerging technologies across various media forms.

The Timeline: AU Media Fellowship Program

The Fellowship is a 12-month long program, set to commence in August 2023. The timeline is as follows:

  • August – December 2023: Post-selection, Fellows will attend virtual induction sessions, on-boarding training and embark on the first study tour. They are expected to work on their pitch stories and participate in online certified trainings and masterclasses from industry experts.
  • January – March 2024: The second study tour awaits the Fellows, along with in-person training, one-on-one mentorship, and additional online certified training and masterclasses from industry experts. Fellows will also have exclusive access to the Annual African Union Summit in February 2024.
  • April – June 2024: The final study tour begins, accompanied by continued training and best practice sessions.
  • July 2024: Fellows will present their final stories, receive certificates and participate in closing ceremonies / sessions.

How to Apply

Feel you are the right fit? Head over to African Union on to apply. Visit the African Union website for more details.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can apply for the AU Media Fellowship Program?

Any African media professionals passionate about narrating development-focused stories using various forms of emerging technologies.

2. What benefits does the AU Media Fellowship Program offer?

The Fellowship provides certified training, exclusive access to AU leadership and events, mentorship, grants, study tours, and networking opportunities.

3. How long is the AU Media Fellowship Program?

The Fellowship is a year-long program commencing from August 2023 and ending in July 2024.

4. When can applicants start applying for the AU Media Fellowship Program?

Interested applicants can visit to start the application process.

5. Where can more information about the AU Media Fellowship Program be found?

More information is available on the African Union’s website

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