Comprehensive guide to apply for TETA Unemployed Learners Bursaries 2024.
Discover eligibility, coverage, and additional requirements.

TETA Invites Unemployed Learners for 2024 Bursaries
The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA) is extending an invitation to all qualifying unemployed learners to apply for the 2024 academic year bursaries.
Why remain shackled by financial constraints when you can grab this opportunity and soar towards your educational goals?
The Extensive Bursary Coverage
What exactly does the bursary cover, you might ask? TETA’s bursary provides comprehensive financial assistance that encompasses:
- Tuition: It covers your primary educational expense, ensuring you have access to high-quality education.
- Accommodation: Whether you prefer on-campus or off-campus living, your accommodation costs are taken care of.
- Transport: Applicable transport costs are covered, enabling your smooth commute to and from the institution.
- Books and Meals: These essential aspects that directly influence your academic performance and well-being are also provided for.
Who Can Step Forward to Apply?
Now, who are the fortunate ones who can take advantage of this golden opportunity?
If you see yourself in any of the following categories, it’s time to put your best foot forward:
- Future Scholars: Learners currently in Grade 12 or those who have completed matric intending to pursue qualifications selected for the 2024 intake.
- Current Students: Already registered students at universities and colleges who are in need of financial support for the 2024 academic year.
- Aviation Enthusiasts: Students with valid PPL (Private Pilot License) or CPL (Commercial Pilot License) in the aviation field.
- Commercial Divers: Divers who have matric (Senior Certificate) qualifications.
- University and College Students: Applicants who are studying or intending to study at Universities (Public and Accredited Private Institutions), University of Technologies, Public and Private Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, Accredited Aviation Schools, and Accredited Diving Schools.
The Extra Mile: Additional Requirements
As with any significant opportunity, there are a few additional requirements.
These ensure that the bursary targets the right individuals and creates the most impact:
a. Applicants must hold South African citizenship.
b. The bursary aims to empower the youth, contributing to the nation’s future.
c. Preference may be given to applicants for certain qualifications.
d. It’s crucial to include all required documents in the application to facilitate a smooth process.
So, are you ready to seize the opportunity and let your educational dreams take flight?
The TETA Unemployed Learners Bursaries for the 2024 academic year are waiting for your application.
Make sure to meet the requirements and get ready to embark on your journey towards a brighter future.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does the TETA bursary cover?
The bursary covers tuition, accommodation, transport (where applicable), books, and meals.
Who can apply for the TETA bursary?
Current grade 12 learners, matriculants intending to study selected qualifications for the 2024 intake, students in need of funding for the 2024 academic year, aviation students with valid PPL or CPL, and commercial divers can apply.
Do I need to be a South African citizen to apply?
Yes, only South African citizens are eligible to apply for this bursary.
Which institutions can I study at with the TETA bursary?
You can study at public and private universities, University of Technologies, TVET colleges, accredited aviation schools, and accredited diving schools.
What are the additional requirements for the TETA bursary?
Applicants must be South African citizens, the bursary aims to empower the youth, preference may be given to applicants for certain qualifications, and all required documents should be included in the application.