Nigerian Customs Salary Structure and Bonuses in 2024 Check Now !

Learn about how much money people in the Nigerian Customs Service make in 2024 and the extra payments they can get. Find out about their jobs and how to join them for a good salary.

Interested in Joining the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS)?

If you’re considering a career with the Nigerian Customs Service and want to learn about their ranks and salaries, you’re in the right place.

Nigerian Customs Salary Structure

Similar to other security agencies like the police, army, civil defense, and immigration, the Nigerian Customs Service pays its employees based on their ranks. Following the recent increase in Nigeria’s minimum wage from N18,000 to N30,000, the salaries of NCS workers have also been adjusted accordingly.

What is the Nigerian Customs Service?

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The Nigerian Customs Service is a government agency responsible for overseeing and regulating trade activities in Nigeria. They ensure that goods entering and leaving the country comply with regulations and collect customs duties.

What Does the NCS Do?

The primary role of the NCS is to safeguard Nigeria’s borders and enforce customs laws. They intercept illegal items being smuggled into the country, enforce import and export regulations, and collect taxes and fees.

Where Does the NCS Work?

The NCS operates at various entry and exit points across Nigeria, including seaports, airports, and land borders. They inspect goods entering and leaving the country, ensure compliance with safety standards, and facilitate the movement of goods for businesses, all while contributing to Nigeria’s security and revenue generation.

The Salary Structure of Nigerian Customs Service

RankYearly Salary
Assistant Comptroller GeneralN2,280,000
Assistant ComptrollersN1,480,000
Assistant Inspector of CustomsN780,000
Assistant Superintendent Customs Officer I & IIN980,000
Chief Superintendent Customs OfficerN1,280,000
Comptroller GeneralN2,500,000
Customs AssistantN680,000
Deputy Comptroller GeneralN2,480,000
Deputy ComptrollersN1,580,000
Deputy Superintendent Customs OfficerN1,180,000
Inspector of CustomsN880,000

Allowances in the Nigerian Customs

When you become part of the Nigerian Customs, you have the opportunity to receive additional payments called allowances.

These allowances can enhance your overall income. Not everyone receives these allowances immediately, but as you progress in your job, you become eligible for them.

Here are some of the allowances you may receive:

  • House Maintenance Allowance: Extra money to assist you in taking care of your residence.
  • Uniform Maintenance Allowance: This allowance helps you keep your work uniform in good condition.
  • Detective Allowance: If you have a special role within Customs, you may qualify for this allowance.
  • Utility Allowance: Additional funds to assist you in covering expenses like water and electricity.
  • Hazard Allowance: If your job involves risks or dangers, you may receive this allowance as compensation.
  • Furniture Allowance: This money can be used to purchase furniture for your home.
  • General Service Allowance: A general extra payment that you may be entitled to.

These allowances can significantly improve your overall salary.

The Salary Structure of Nigerian Customs

The Nigerian Customs, in alignment with other entities tasked with the nation’s protection, has implemented a revised salary framework termed the Consolidated Para-military Salary Structure (CONPASS).

This updated structure entails a boost in the basic salary across all paramilitary ranks.

With the recent escalation in the minimum wage standards, the minimum monthly salary for a customs officer in Nigeria has risen to N40,000.

On average, Customs Officers now command an approximate monthly income of N80,000.

This adjustment reflects a significant increase in remuneration for customs officers, presenting promising prospects for individuals aspiring to join this esteemed service.


Among all the paramilitary organizations in Nigeria, the Nigerian Customs Service provides one of the most attractive salary packages.

If you aspire to become a part of the Customs, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest recruitment news on this blog.

By doing so, you can remain informed and well-prepared for your opportunity to join the Nigerian Customs.

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