SASSA Announces September Grant Payment Date

The official SASSA payment schedule for September 2023 is released. It includes Older Person’s Grants, Disability Grants, and Children’s Grants.

The Management of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has officially announced the payment schedule for the month of September 2023.

This schedule details the dates for disbursing different grant categories – Older Person’s Grants, Disability Grants, and Children’s Grants – into beneficiaries’ accounts.

Overview of the Payment Schedule

Older Person’s Grants: These will be paid starting from Tuesday, 05 September 2023.

This category encompasses grants tied to accounts of elderly individuals.

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Disability Grants: Beneficiaries of Disability Grants will receive their payments starting from Wednesday, 06 September 2023.

This includes all grants that are linked to the accounts of individuals with disabilities.

Children’s Grants: Payments for Children’s Grants will commence on Thursday, 07 September 2023.

SASSA emphasizes that there is no need for beneficiaries to rush to withdraw cash on the first day of payment.

Upon deposit, funds stay in the accounts until beneficiaries require them.

Understanding the Importance of the Schedule

Ensuring Smooth Transactions

Releasing a schedule ahead of time is crucial for both the beneficiaries and the agency.

It helps in planning and ensures that the transactions are carried out smoothly.

Beneficiaries can plan their visits to the banks or ATMs, thus avoiding overcrowding and ensuring adherence to social distancing norms.

Promoting Financial Literacy
Upon deposit, funds stay in the accounts until beneficiaries require them.

Avoiding Frauds and Scams
Amid fraud concerns, SASSA’s proactive approach includes a schedule and beneficiary education to mitigate risks linked to scams and fraudulent schemes.

Key Points to Remember

  • There is no need to rush to the bank or ATM on the first day of payment.
  • The funds will remain in the account until they are needed.
  • It is advised to withdraw cash during off-peak hours to avoid crowds.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will the Older Person’s Grants be paid?

The Older Person’s Grants will be paid starting from Tuesday, 05 September 2023.

Is it necessary to withdraw the cash on the first day itself?

No, it is not necessary to withdraw cash on the first day. The funds will remain in the account until they are needed.

What measures are taken to avoid overcrowding at banks and ATMs?

SASSA releases a payment schedule ahead of time and encourages beneficiaries to plan their visits to the banks or ATMs accordingly. This helps in avoiding overcrowding and ensures adherence to social distancing norms.

Are there any risks of frauds or scams associated with the grant payments?

There have been instances of frauds and scams targeting social grant beneficiaries. However, SASSA takes proactive measures to minimize these risks by releasing a schedule and educating the beneficiaries.

Can the grant money be used directly from the bank account?

Yes, the grant money can be used directly from the bank account without the need for withdrawing cash.

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