Unleashing Potential: The World Bank Africa Fellowship For African Graduates

Seize the chance to shape your career with the 2024 World Bank Africa Fellowship. A pioneering program for African Ph.D. students and recent graduates.

A Pioneering Initiative: The WBG-Africa Fellowship Program

In a promising step toward propelling the next generation of African change-makers, the Africa Region of the World Bank Group (WBG) is excited to announce the 2024 WBG-Africa Fellowship Program.

Launched in 2013, this distinctive initiative extends an arm of support to diligent Ph.D. Students and fresh Ph.D. graduates hailing from the Sub-Saharan region.

The Purpose of the Fellowship

Through the WBG-Africa Fellowship Program, we aim to create a robust platform for young and talented African nationals.

The program fosters a firm pathway for those ready to contribute to development, either in international institutions, within African governments, or academic think tanks.

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The fellowship program is a proven success, curating a formidable pool of young African intellect, keen to make a difference in the world.

The Program Structure and Perks

We offer the selected fellows a six-month stint at World Bank Group (WBG) offices, be it in Washington D.C. or our regional offices.

The fellowship is designed to give fellows hands-on experience in the World Bank Group’s operations.

From knowledge creation and sharing, designing policies at the global and country level, to building institutions promoting inclusive growth, our fellows immerse themselves in various facets of development.

An Enriching Experience

The fellowship is a treasure trove of learning experiences.

Fellows not only gain insights from the diverse sectors we operate in but also contribute to research, economic policy making, technical assistance, and lending operations that are at the heart of the World Bank’s mission: eradicating poverty and fostering shared prosperity.

The 2024 WBG Africa Fellowship Program: More Opportunities

In 2024, the WBG Africa Fellowship Program plans to host up to 15 fellows.

Furthermore, with the generous support of the Think Africa Partnership, we are offering an additional 10 fellowship positions with an emphasis on private sector development and finance.

These additional fellows will be integral in enhancing macroeconomic, business, and financial frameworks to boost private sector investment and drive economic growth in the region.

The World Bank: A Beacon of Development

The World Bank Group, with 189 member countries and personnel from over 170 countries, is a unique global partnership.

Our five institutions work relentlessly towards sustainable solutions to alleviate poverty and ensure shared prosperity in developing nations.

Perquisites of the World Bank Africa Fellowship Program

Upon selection and acceptance, fellows will join us as short-term consultants for six months starting January 2024.

As part of the fellowship, they will receive consultant fees, round-trip economy class air travel to Washington, D.C. or a WBG country office from their institution, and worker’s compensation insurance.

Eligibility for the World Bank Africa Fellowship Program

Applicants for the fellowship must:

  1. Be a recent Ph.D. graduate (within three years of completion) or be enrolled in the final year of their Ph.D. program.
  2. Have an outstanding command of English, both in writing and speaking.
  3. Possess robust quantitative and analytical skills.
  4. Be under the age of 32 by the end of the application period.

Additional Desirable Qualifications

Applicants having command over an additional World Bank official language, hailing from fragile and conflict-affected countries, and those from refugee and internally displaced communities, or with proven experience on forced displacement will have an edge.

The Selection Process

We follow a two-phase selection process.

In the first phase, depending on their specialization, a short-list of candidates will be made available for hire for the different units of the WBG.

In the second phase, the final list of fellows will be chosen in consultation with the WBG’s various units.

How to Apply

Keen on this life-changing opportunity? Visit www.wbgfellowship.worldbank.org to apply.

Remember, you must be a Ph.D. candidate or a recent graduate (within three years of Ph.D. completion) from Sub-Saharan Africa.

You can find the full eligibility criteria on the website.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply for the World Bank Africa Fellowship?

Recent Ph.D. graduates (within three years of completion) or students enrolled in the final year of their Ph.D. program from Sub-Saharan Africa can apply.

What benefits does the World Bank Africa Fellowship offer?

The fellowship offers consultant fees, round-trip economy air travel, and worker’s compensation insurance. Fellows will also gain practical experience in various World Bank Group operations.

How long is the fellowship period?

The fellowship lasts for six months, from January to June 2024.

How many fellows will be hosted in the 2024 program?

In 2024, the program expects to host up to 15 fellows with 10 additional fellowship positions, focusing on private sector development and finance.

How can I apply for the World Bank Africa Fellowship?

Interested candidates can apply through the official World Bank website: www.wbgfellowship.worldbank.org.

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