Canada Child Benefit Payment Dates July 2024 Eligibility, Application Process, CCB Amount

The CCB is a monthly payment from the Canadian government to help families raising children under 18. It helps ease the financial burden of raising kids and ensures they have what they need to grow up healthy and strong.

Who can get the CCB?

To get the CCB, you must:

  • Live in Canada
  • Have a child under 18
  • Be the main person who cares for your child (including their daily needs and healthcare)
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or meet specific temporary resident requirements

Special Situations:

  • Foster children: You can’t get CCB for a foster child who receives Children’s Special Allowances (CSA).
  • Shared custody:
    • If your child spends roughly equal time (40% to 60%) with you and another person, you both might be eligible for shared CCB.
    • If your child lives with you more than 60% of the time, you can apply for the full CCB.
    • If your child lives with you less than 40% of the time, you wouldn’t be eligible.
  • Temporary custody changes: If someone else cares for your child temporarily (like over summer), they might be eligible for CCB during that period. Let the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) know about any changes in custody to ensure proper CCB payments.

How much is the CCB?

The amount you receive depends on your family’s income, the number of children you have, and their ages. Here’s a rough guide:

  • Maximum for children under 6: $7,437 per year
  • Maximum for children aged 6 to 17: $6,275 per year

The exact amount is based on your income from the previous year (July to June).

Additional Support:

  • Child Disability Benefit (CDB): Families caring for a child with a disability may qualify for extra money through the CDB.
  • Provincial/Territorial Supplements: Many provinces and territories offer additional child benefits to support families with their specific needs.

When are CCB payments made?

The CRA usually issues CCB payments on the 20th of each month. Here are the specific dates for 2024 (subject to change):

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How to Apply for the CCB

The CRA usually calculates your CCB automatically based on your tax return. You don’t need to apply separately if you filed your taxes.

New parents or guardians:

  • Apply using the RC66 form on the CRA website or by contacting them directly.
  • You can also apply during your baby’s birth registration at the hospital (in some provinces, online registration is available). Make sure to give consent to share your information with the CRA.

Getting your First Payment

  • Online applications: You should receive your first payment within 8 weeks of the CRA getting your application.
  • Mail applications: It might take up to 11 weeks to receive your first payment after mailing the application.

For more information:

You can visit the CRA’s website or contact them directly to learn more about the CCB and other benefits you may be eligible for.

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